Working with Routers & Configuring IPv4

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    Michael Bui


In this lab, we'll be looking at basic configurations on a Cisco router. We will also be assigning IPv4 addresses to the router's interfaces.

This is the network diagram we'll be working with:


Configure R1's host name

  1. Enter R1's CLI
  2. Enter global configuration mode by issuing enable then configure terminal
  3. Enter hostname R1

View the list of R1's interfaces

  1. In privileged exec mode use the command show ip interface brief
  • We see that all IP interfaces do not currently have an IP-Address assigned
  • Status on interfaces are administratively down (default on Cisco Routers) which means that the interfaces have been disabled with the shutdown command

Configure IP Addresses on R1's Interfaces & Enable Them

  1. From config mode enter command interface gigabitEthernet 0/0 or using shorthand int g0/0
  2. Configure the IP address with ip add
  3. Add a description with desc ## to SW1 ##
  4. Enable the interface with no shutdown
  5. Continue to configure the other network interfaces

Saving The Configuration

  1. Run this command to save the running config to the startup config write memory
  2. This allows the router to load up these configurations next time it turns on

Test Connectivity

  1. Configure the IP addresses on each PC config -> Interface -> IPv4 Address -> FastEthernet0
  2. Ping PC2 & PC3 from PC1